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Programs & Services

Community Treatment Orders (CTO)

The program assists individuals by providing treatment, care and supervision in the community instead of a longer stay in hospital or as an alternative to being hospitalized. The CTO plan…

Concurrent Program

The Concurrent Program provides ongoing support to individuals who are experiencing substance use and mental health issues. The program currently offers individual and group support. Individual Support Counsellors provide up…

Coordinated Access

In partnership with the Canadian Mental Health Association Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB), Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) will be relocating programming currently offered at 744 Ouellette Ave., beginning June 17 through…

Dual Diagnosis

The Dual Diagnosis program provides services to individuals who have a pre-existing developmental disability, and mental illness. The program psychiatrist assists in consultations and follow-up recommendations for treatment for individuals…

Early Intervention

The Early Psychosis and Intervention Program provides early identification, assessment and treatment for individuals experiencing first-episode psychosis. The focus of this program is upon minimizing the impact of disruption to…

Focused Recovery Program

The FRP follows a stepped care model and will match the level of service with the level of support a client requires, based on their diagnosis and mental health and…

Homelessness Initiative Program

To provide supported subsidized housing for individuals who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless and who have a mental illness. The program works with private market landlords in…

Information and Referral

This service provides a “no wrong door” to mental health services in assisting individuals by providing information to identify the problem and assisting them in accessing the appropriate services. This…

Justice Program Services

CMHA-WECB has four separate Justice support service programs designed to work with individuals who are living with severe mental illness and have become involved in the justice system. These programs…

Mobile Outreach & Support Team

The Mobile Outreach and Support Team (MOST) supports the needs of those who have mental health or addiction challenges, require housing, or are street-involved. MOST is made up of a…

Safe Beds Program


The Therapy Program provides one to one counselling and treatment to CMHA Health Centre patients experiencing moderate to severe mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, trauma…

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