Mobile Outreach & Support Team
Jul 12, 2019

The Mobile Outreach and Support Team (MOST) supports the needs of those who have mental health or addiction challenges, require housing, or are street-involved. MOST is made up of a driver trained to support those with physical disabilities, a social worker, and an outreach worker. MOST will travel via an accessible van to Downtown and West-End Windsor locations with supplies such as food and personal care items while offering services. The team also responds to 311 calls on homeless encampments during shift times.
MOST is a collaborative initiative between Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH), Canadian Mental Health Association – Windsor/Essex County Branch (CMHA WECB), Windsor Essex Community Health Centre (weCHC), and Family Services Windsor-Essex (FSWE).
- Assessment
- Delivery of basic supplies such as socks, food, chapstick, bus vouchers, etc.
- Awareness and access to community services
- Connections to community services
The intention of MOST is not to move individuals on and out, but rather improve quality of life at the point in time of which they are seen. It is also a goal to connect and build ongoing relationships to get individuals back on their feet so they can live in safety and comfort. Individuals are encouraged to visit the team as many times as needed. Services are free of charge and no appointment is necessary.
Outreach Workers funded by: