Focused Recovery Program
Apr 25, 2023

The FRP follows a stepped care model and will match the level of service with the level of support a client requires, based on their diagnosis and mental health and addiction recovery goals.
FRP services will be highly tailored to focus on mental health and addiction recovery. This recovery philosophy and trauma informed care model, follows best practice that focuses on hope, choices, partnerships, goals and independence. CMHA-WECB staff will focus on providing an intensive level of support to achieve goals in a timelier manner.
Other benefits include:
- Reduced wait times
- Rapid access
- Equity
- An objective, clinical approach
- Development of recovery action plans
- Better outcomes
Clients will be in service an average of 3-6 months, to address their mental health and addiction goals.
Our goal is to deliver the best services possible to individuals experiencing moderate-to-severe mental illness and addiction.
These services are available to people over the age of 16 primarily with a serious mental illness and/or addiction issues, who reside in Windsor-Essex County.
How To Access The Service
Referrals come from a variety of sources including doctors, hospitals, family members, Police/Crown (criminal justice system), other community agencies and self-referrals. To obtain services or to re-engage in services, please call 519-255-9940 ext. 249.
Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care.
Service Hours
The regular business hours are 8:30 to 4:30 at the agency, Monday to Friday. Services are available until 8:00 pm, Monday to Thursday by appointment.