
October is Healthy Workplace Month
Oct 17, 2023
As a part of Canada’s Healthy Workplace Month, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) Windsor-Essex County Branch is championing psychological health and safety in health care settings.
CMHA-WECB’s Mental Health Promotion department offers a number of educational workshops and certification trainings, including specialization in workplace mental health. Learn more here.
Ontario’s Your Health Space program, funded by the Ministry of Health, is a workplace mental health training program for Ontario’s health care organizations. It provides psychoeducational training that supports organizations in addressing the burnout and moral injury affecting their teams. Since launching last year, the program has had a profound impact on Ontario’s health care workforce, collaborating with hospitals, long-term care, mental health and addictions, home and community care, and primary care settings to improve employee mental health in their organizations.
Through live workshops, microlearning huddles, and self-directed modules, Your Health Space has trained nearly 26,000 participants in health care settings across Ontario. More than 350 organizations have participated in the program. Your Health Space’s team of trainers are located across Ontario and are available to support health care organizations in every region. Evaluation surveys indicate that on average, participants strongly believe applying what they learned during Your Health Space sessions will enhance their well-being and increase their ability to support others at work.
“Your Health Space is an important first step that encourages organizations as a whole to begin having important conversations about fostering workplace mental health and promoting psychological health and safety,” said Camille Quenneville, CEO, CMHA Ontario. “It also works with an organization’s leaders, frontline workers, and support staff to help them recognize symptoms of chronic workplace stress in themselves and their colleagues.”
To learn more or register your organization, go to: