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Move the Dial

Move the Dial Campaign

How Your Can Help

As we work toward this goal, we welcome your support:

  1. Make a donation
  2. Host an event
  3. Sponsor an event

What Your Donations Support

Funds raised throughout the year will support the programs that receive little to no government funding, including:

2021 marks the 50th anniversary of the Windsor-Essex Branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association; an association that is over 100 years old with 330 offices across the country. Some eerie parallels can be drawn from the early days of CMHA to today – the world was then dealing with the Spanish Flu pandemic, social gatherings were limited to 10 or fewer individuals, and there was an urgent need for adequate care and prevention for mental health.

As we round the one year mark of the COVID-19 pandemic, we see the silver lining – more time with family, a slower pace to life, an appreciation for the small things, but we also see the growing need for mental health support, across the lifespan, no matter your gender, education or socioeconomic status.

So as we celebrate our 50th anniversary milestone, we reflected on the ever present and growing mental health and wellness needs of our community, and the Move the Dial campaign was born.

Move the Dial for Mental Health and Wellness is meant to generate funds to continue work in education and prevention to ensure there are resources to deal with a looming mental health crisis that is the result of 12 months of isolation, uncertainty and general anxiety.

Funds raised to date and ongoing help to build an established endowment fund with the Windsor Essex Community Foundation to ensure the sustainability of these programs over the long-term.

View our special edition 50th Anniversary Insert:

More About Our 50th Anniversary

Board Members through the Years

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Images through the Years


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