HDGH and CMHA-WECB to Open Urgent Care Centre for Mental Health and Addictions as Response to COVID-19
Apr 16, 2020
Individuals who need urgent mental health and addictions care now have a new option. As of tomorrow, they can now be referred, phone or walk into the Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB) located at 1400 Windsor Ave. for a brief short-term intervention by a multidisciplinary healthcare team.
The initiative is a joint response to COVID-19 and its effects on those suffering from mental health and addictions from Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare (HDGH) and CMHA-WECB. A multidisciplinary team of physicians, nurse practitioner, addictions worker, psychiatrists and social workers will begin tomorrow to assess, deliver and coordinate the most appropriate care to these individuals.
The Mental Health and Addictions Urgent Care Centre (MHAUUC) will start as a three-month project in response to COVID-19 supporting adults and youth aged 16 years or older who cannot safely wait for community mental health and addiction support. The service is intended for those experiencing a mental health or addictions crisis or who are having an acute and intensive need, at risk of worsening mental health condition that may require hospitalization.
“Pandemics never affect all populations equally. As two organizations leading in mental health care service delivery, our shared vision to a more seamless care experience for our citizens living with mental health and addictions has led to the timely and efficient launch of the MHAUCC as a response to COVID-19,” said CMHA-WECB CEO Claudia den Boer who also acts as HDGH’s Executive Lead for Community Mental Health. “We are all in a unique situation that has required unique solutions – the MHAUCC is right now one of those solutions.”
The goal of the MHAUCC is also to help acute care partners in lessening the burden within emergency departments. In this way, our acute care system can attend to the many individuals arriving at the hospital for truly acute care needs and/or COVID-19 related medical issues.
“Windsor Regional Hospital is very supportive and happy that this service is moving forward,” said Dr. Wassim Saad, WRH Chief of Staff. “It is most definitely in the best interest of our patients and we will work together to make it a success.”
Psychiatrists from both HDGH and WRH will roster with the MHAUCC.
Hours are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 11:30 am- 7:30 pm and Tuesday, Friday 8:30 am – 4:30 pm and will be closely monitored based on need.
- Acutely Suicidal thoughts or self-harming behaviour
- Substance related Intoxication
- Acute Psychosis
- Possible medical issues
- Severe alcohol dependency
- Aggressive or violent behaviour with risk to others
More information is available on both the CMHA-WECB and HDGH websites. Self-referral, physician and healthcare provider referrals are accepted. Individuals can also walk-in to the MHAUCC during hours of operation or call 519-257-5111 ext. XXX if they have questions whether to attend.
Media Contact:
Bill Marra, VP External Affairs, HDGH
Kim Willis, Director Communications & Mental Health Promotion, CMHA WECB
Cell: 226-787-2245