
CMHA Ontario launches suicide prevention program to support farmers
Aug 17, 2022
The pandemic has made life more difficult for many, but for farmers it has greatly added to
existing uncertainties and stress. Yet farmers are less likely to seek the help of professionals —
sometimes with devastating consequences.
To help, the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario has launched the Guardian
Network, a volunteer suicide prevention network which supports Ontario’s farming community.
The Guardian Network is a training program for people such as vets, breeders, seed or feed
salespeople, financial institutions, and other community members who have direct contact with
farm owner or operators. Guardians learn strategies and tools to recognize the signs of suicide
and other mental health difficulties, so they can have conversations with farmers in distress and
connect them to supportive resources.
Learn more about the program and how you can register to become a Guardian at
This project is provided with funding by the governments of Canada and Ontario, including
support from the Canadian Agricultural Partnership, a five-year federal-provincial-territorial
initiative. Via the Guardian Network, and its sister programs, Farmer Wellness Initiative and In
the Know, CMHA Ontario and partners aim to provide the Ontario farming community a variety
of accessible mental health supports.