Mar 27, 2024
The following workshops are available from our Mental Health Educators. A minimum of ten participants are required and at least two weeks notice is appreciated. To inquire about rates and to book a training, please contact or call 519-255-7440 x234.
Introduction to Mental Health
Maximizing our Mental Health
Great for introducing the topic of mental health to any audience. This workshop looks at factors that influence mental health and well-being, and offers strategies to create and maintain a healthy balance. (30-60 min)
Mental Health Awareness
One in five Canadians will experience a mental illness at some point in their lives. Understand the signs and symptoms so that there is a general recognition of the early warning signs of a mental health issue and how to get help. (Geared to youth 15+, 75 min – 3 hrs)
Mental Health & You
Positive YOU – Building Resiliency
Learn to focus on strengths, success and skills to feel better. Difficult situations can’t always be avoided but we can develop the skills and tools we need to navigate through the ups and downs of life. Learn the protective factors that help instill resilience so you can thrive in your environment, even in the midst of trying times. (1-1.5 hrs)
Introduction to Mindfulness
In this session, individuals will learn the basic tenants of what mindfulness is and how to start applying it. We will explore the various benefits of mindfulness in the areas of mental health and stress reduction. (1 hr)
Worried Sick – Understanding Worry & Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal response to experiences in our life but when it begins to interfere with our day it may herald significant – and treatable – mental health concerns. We will discuss the signs, symptoms, treatment options and how to access community resources and support.
Beyond the Generalization
Understanding Mood & Anxiety Disorders
This workshop provides insight into the spectrum of mood disorders such as depression, bipolar disorder as well as common anxiety disorders. We will discuss the signs, symptoms and treatment options as well as community resources available. (1.5-3 hrs)
Understanding & Responding to Emotional Distress
Available in varying lengths and depths, this workshop was developed to educate professionals who interact with individuals experiencing and exhibiting signs of mental illness, emotional distress and suffering, but who are not involved in the mental health profession. This workshop dispels some common mental illness misconceptions, teaches hot to recognize signs of distress in adolescents and adults – and implements effective and appropriate responses, using a trauma-informed approach. (1-3 hrs)
Trauma Informed Approach – What it is and Why Does it Matter?
Designed to introduce professionals to the impact that trauma has on the brains of adults and children. Various types of trauma will be explored, with a focus on prevalence, brain development and the role that adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) play in adult physical and mental health. (1.5-3 hrs)
Responding to Emotional Distress Through a Trauma-Informed Lens – Practical Strategies When Working with Children and Youth Using a Trauma-Informed Approach (Module 2)
Providing knowledge to those working with our youth or adults who have been affected by trauma, this workshop will dispense skills from a trauma-informed perspective and employ practical strategies to help facilitate healing and growth. Objectives include recognizing signs of trauma – triggered emotional distress; help someone return to their window of tolerance and a guide to appropriate resources. (3-7 hrs)
Caring for Caregivers
From Compassion Fatigue to Compassion Satisfaction
The definitions of – and differences between – Compassion Fatigue, Vicarious or Secondary Trauma, and Burnout are tackled in this workshop. Such factors and characteristics as organizational culture, role clarity, ambiguity, overload and conflict will be identified and examined – as well as their roles in contributing to or alleviating work stress – both organizationally and individually. Practical coping resources will be provided. (1.5-3 hrs)
Strategies for Families & Caregivers
The impact on families and caregivers when supporting an older adult or someone managing any chronic health condition can be difficult. Learn strategies to help manage your own needs through self-care, resources and understanding basic mental health signs and symptoms. (1-1.5 hrs)
Achieving Balance: Coping with Stress, Change and Caregiving
This workshop will help anyone experiencing change, stress, and/or caregiving. Learn strategies to help manage your own needs through self-care, resources and understanding basic mental health signs and symptoms. Learn strategies to help cope with change and caregiving, how to manage stress and how to ask for and accept help. (1-1.5 hrs)