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NEED HELP? Call the Hôtel-Dieu Grace Healthcare 24 Hour Crisis Line at 519-973-4435
If you’re thinking about suicide, 9-8-8 is here to help. Call or text 9-8-8 toll-free, anytime.

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Concurrent Program

The Concurrent Program provides ongoing support to individuals who are experiencing substance use and mental health issues. The program currently offers individual and group support.

Individual Support

Counsellors provide up to 6 sessions of 1 to 1 support, which are tailored to meet the clients where they are in their recovery journey. Staff focus on skill building for individuals that are wanting to build skills to reduce or stop their substance use, including:

Group Support

The STAGES group (Sobriety Through Accessing Group Education and Support) provides an ongoing maintenance and peer support for individuals who have already received treatment for substance use. This group is offered to clients registered in CMHA services and non-registered clients who may have received treatment elsewhere in the community. Virtual and in person options available.

How to Access the Service

Referrals come from a variety of sources including doctors, hospitals, family members, Police/Crown (criminal justice system), other community agencies and self-referrals. To obtain services or to re-engage in services, please call 519-255-9940 ext. 249.

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