Privacy Policy
It is in principle possible to use our website without providing any personal information. To the extent that it is possible, the provision of personal information (e.g. name, address, email address) to our site will remain voluntary.
Please note that we are not encouraging you to send us nor we will accept your Personal Health Information sent by email.
Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch has created this privacy statement in order to demonstrate our firm commitment to your privacy. The following discloses our information gathering and dissemination practices for this website.
Personal Information
We use your IP address to help diagnose problems with our server, and to administer our Web site. We use cookies to deliver content specific to your interests and to save your password when necessary, so you don’t have to re-enter it each time you visit our site.
Site Registration
Our site’s registration form requires users to give us contact information (like their name and email address) and demographic information (like their city or postal code). We use customer contact information from the registration form to occasionally send the user information about our organization. The user’s contact information is also used to contact the visitor when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below. Demographic and profile data is also collected at our site. We use this data to tailor the visitor’s experience at our site, showing them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences.
Our site uses forms for users to request information, products, and services. We collect visitor’s contact information (like their email address), financial information (like their account or credit card numbers), and demographic information (like their city and postal code). Contact information from the order form is used to send orders and information about our organization to our users. The user’s contact information is also used to get in touch with the visitor when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below. Financial information that is collected is used to bill the user for products and services. Demographic and profile data is also collected at our site. We use this data to tailor our visitor’s experience at our site, showing them content that we think they might be interested in, and displaying the content according to their preferences.
Our online surveys may ask visitors for contact information (like their email address). Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below.
We occasionally run contests on our site in which we ask visitors for contact information (like their email address) and demographic information (like their city and postal code). We may use contact data from our contests to send users information about our organization. The user’s contact information is also used to contact the visitor when necessary. Users may opt-out of receiving future mailings; see the choice/opt-out section below. Demographic and profile data may also collected at our site.
Third Party Links
This site contains links to other sites. CMHA-WECB is not responsible for the privacy practices or the content of such Web sites.
Public Forums
This site makes chat rooms, forums, message boards, and/or news groups available to its users. Please remember that any information that is disclosed in these areas becomes public information and you should exercise caution when deciding to disclose your personal information.
This site has security measures in place to protect the loss, misuse and alteration of the information under our control.
Some areas of the CMHA-WECB website are password protected. We recommend that you do not divulge your password to anyone. CMHA-WECB or its agents will never ask you for your password in an unsolicited phone call or in an unsolicited email. Also remember to sign out of your CMHA-WECB account and close your browser window when you have finished your work. This is to ensure that others cannot access your personal information and correspondence if you share a computer with someone else or are using a computer in a public place like a library or Internet cafe.
Contacting the Web Site
If you have any questions about this privacy statement, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this Web site, you can contact the webmaster.
CMHA-WECB Webmaster
Canadian Mental Health Association, Windsor-Essex County Branch
1400 Windsor Avenue
Windsor, Ontario, Canada
N8X 3L9
For all your privacy related inquiries/requests/questions, please contact our CMHA-WECB Privacy Department at 519-255-7440 ext. 378.
Information and Privacy Commissioner of Ontario
2 Bloor St. E., Ste. 1400
Toronto, ON M4W 1A8
P: 416-326-3333 or 1-800-387-0073
TTY: 416-325-7539