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Thousands of Ontarians send a strong message to erase the difference
Mar 6th, 2020

More than 12,500 Ontarians raised their voices during the recent provincial election campaign to let political candidates know that its time to #erasethedifference and fund mental health and addictions care…

Transitional Stability Centre – Windsor Life April 2018
Mar 6th, 2020

The Transitional Stability Centre is featured in the April 2018 issue of Windsor Life.  

Tips to beat the winter blues
Mar 6th, 2020

This is the time of year when many Ontarians may notice a shift in mood and find themselves lacking energy. Research in Ontario suggests that 15 percent of the general…

Talk Today
Mar 6th, 2020

Talk Today now available nationwide The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) and the Canadian Hockey League (CHL) officially partnered on May 24, expanding the mental health and suicide-awareness program Talk Today….

The importance of managing mental health in the workplace
Mar 6th, 2020

VIRGINIA GALT TORONTO — Special to The Globe and Mail Published Friday, Jan. 29, 2016 5:00PM EST When commerce grad Jeremiah Brown returned to his bank job after an extended leave to…

The financial cost of attempted suicide, depression, and getting better
Mar 6th, 2020

Canadians who attempt suicide or try to hurt themselves may have to foot their own medical expenses because of the fine print in certain health insurance plans. The ensuing costs…

Supporters of First Responders Encouraged to Share Input
Mar 6th, 2020

(Windsor, March 20, 2019) – In 2018 Windsor-Essex County First Responder organizations were awarded a Ministry of Labour grant to develop strategies to enhance and support the mental health of…

Supporting mental health is good for business
Mar 6th, 2020

The impact of mental health in the workplace is astounding. Consider that the cost of mental illnesses to the economy is $51 billion a year and that each week 500,000…

Talk Today
Mar 6th, 2020

The Windsor Spitfires and CMHA-WECB host their Talk Today game on Thursday, February 15 v. Barrie Colts. Join us! Talk Today is one of the most comprehensive mental health programs for…

Support mental health this holiday season
Mar 6th, 2020

Although anxiety, depression, and loneliness may occur anytime during the year, the stress of the holidays can amplify these feelings. For those coping with mental health issues, the holidays can…

Support Mental Health on Bell Let’s Talk Day
Mar 6th, 2020

Canadians across the country will join together on social media to text, talk and tweet about mental health for the 7th annual Bell Let’s Talk Day on January 25, 2017….

Talk Today
Mar 6th, 2020

CMHA Ontario and the OHL team-up to promote suicide awareness, mental health of young athletes In the Fall of 2014 the Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA), Ontario announced the launch…

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