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Mental Health in the Workplace

With the various workshops listed below we are able to help you reduce and eliminate personnel and financial costs in your business by assisting you in addressing mental illness within the workplace. Being proactive in a preventative nature when dealing with these issues, in compliance with our education suite, we can show you how these life-saving workshops, courses and presentations can help. We work to build and grow mental health and mental illness awareness, instruct and relay the necessary skills to respond to challenging situations, as well as work together to create a safe, and mentally healthy workplace.

Our workshops aim to provide education, self-wellness improvement, stress management, employee support and empathy for those living with mental health concerns.

How to Beat Workplace Stress – From Burnout to Balance
A determinant of mental health, work can contribute to stress and have adverse effects on health. This workshop will focus on identifying work stress, coping with it and creating work/life balance. Mental health, practical relaxation and breathing techniques, and tips will be demonstrated. Practical information will be provided regarding where to get help if struggling with mental health work issues. *For expanded workshop interactivity, an additional 30 minutes will be required. (1.5 hrs)

Maximizing Mental Health at Work for Human Services
In this workshop, you’ll learn about mental health, stress impact recognition via mind, body and spirit. You’ll also create a self-care plan for both work and home, touching on common concepts of compassion fatigue and vicarious trauma. (1.5 hrs)

Accentuating the Positive at Work
This engaging workshop will examine and discuss positive work environment factors and pitfalls. The workshop focus will look at the workplace factors that you can influence and control, providing and examining strategies to create and/or enhance a healthy work environment. *For expanded workshop interactivity, an additional 30 minutes will be required. (1-1.5 hrs)

Awareness of Mental Health in the Workplace
Mental health issues in a workplace context from co-worker to co-worker is the theme of this presentation, with a focus on understanding what can be done to contribute to a supportive, psychologically healthy and safe workplace. A discussion on appropriate responses to struggling co-workers and an introduction to Mental Health Works Training are also included. (1-1.5 hrs)

Work/Life Balance
The blurred boundaries between work and home can have an adverse effect on health, well-being and productivity due to stress. This workshop will teach how to recognize stress signs and symptoms and provide simple and effective tools and strategies to manage the strain and create personal mental health balance. (1-2 hrs)

Managing Change – Surviving & Thriving
Adaptable to managers and supervisors, this lighter session provides an encompassing perspective on the stages and impacts of change and transition on – and to – employees – from organization to personal. Self-care practices will be discussed. *The longer the session, the more interactive. (1-3 hrs)

To book a training or for more information, please contact or call 519-255-7440 x234

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