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CMHA recognizes Recovery Month 2020

September is Recovery Month and CMHA-WECB joins organizations around the world in recognizing this important event. According to Addictions & Mental Health Ontario (AMHO), 22 per cent of Canadians will be affected by addiction in their lifetime. Recovery Month gives them the opportunity to share stories, talk about treatment options, and reduce the stigma surrounding addiction.

CMHA-WECB offers a Concurrent Program, which provides ongoing support to individuals who are experiencing addiction and mental health issues. The program currently offers individual and group support and case management services. The STAGES group (Sobriety Through Accessing Group Education and Support) provides an ongoing maintenance and peer support for individuals who have already received treatment for addictions.

The REACH group (Recovery Education and Creating Hope) is a four week skill building group for individuals that are wanting to learn basic skills to reduce or stop their substance use. This integrated service is offered to clients registered in CMHA services and non-registered clients who may have received treatment elsewhere in the community. The Concurrent Disorders program also offers a  Family Support and Education Group for individuals that have a loved one living with a Concurrent Disorder.

Recovery looks different for everyone. We must continue to speak openly about addiction so those struggling know they are not alone. To show support, members of the public are encouraged to share their stories and use the #RecoveryMonth hashtag on social media.

If you or someone you know needs help, contact CMHA-WECB at 519-255-7440 or 519-973-4435, or email For more information on Revoery Month, visit the Addictions & Mental Health Ontario website:

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