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CMHA Board of Directors is recruiting new members!

CMHA Windsor-Essex County Branch (CMHA-WECB) is the lead provider and advocate of specialized community mental health and addiction services integrated with comprehensive primary health care services. CMHA-WECB offers a variety of programs and services for people with a serious mental illness and those dealing with moderate mental illness and addictions.

Community well-being is our sole focus.

CMHA-WECB is seeking new members for appointment to our Board of Directors. All board positions are on a volunteer basis. The position is a five-year term. As a member of our Board of Directors, you will act in a position of trust for the community and be responsible for general oversight and guidance, governance policy and strategy development. The Board of Directors meets monthly (7 regular meetings per year) with an Annual General Meeting and Board Retreat. Attendance at special meetings, activities or events may also be required.

As part of our commitment to diversity and inclusion, we especially encourage applicants from a broad range of cultural, ethnic, racial and gender identities and levels of ability to apply. Preference will be given to applicants with a range of skills and experience that meet our current Board of Directors Skills Matrix requirements.

If you are interested in applying for this role, please complete and submit the application form along with a detailed resume by­­­­­­­­­­­ May 25th, 2022 to Meliha Ferhatovic (

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