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New BounceBack campaign promotes access to mental health program

Mental health concerns are among the many challenges Ontarians are currently facing amid the COVID-19 pandemic. At this time of public uncertainty, CMHA’s BounceBack program remains an effective option to support Ontarians who may be dealing with mild-to-moderate anxiety or depression, or may be feeling low, stressed, worried, irritable or angry.

BounceBack is a free, guided self-help program for people aged 15 and up. Participants receive telephone coaching, skill-building workbooks and online videos to help them overcome these symptoms and gain new skills to regain positive mental health. BounceBack is not a crisis service, psychotherapy or counselling, but a life-skills program that participants work with to develop coping techniques so they can overcome challenges during this pandemic and long afterward.

For more information or to see if the BounceBack program may be right for you, visit

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